Software Pressure

Space averaging method

Our soft­ware is a Win­dows-based pro­gram for cal­cu­lat­ing the over­pres­sure in elec­tri­cal sys­tems and sys­tem rooms in the event of an arc fault. The pres­sure cal­cu­la­tion is based on the assump­tion that the pres­sure spreads simul­ta­ne­ous­ly and even­ly over the entire vol­ume. The pro­gram can be used to con­sid­er the pres­sure relief of the fault space in up to three suc­ces­sive relief spaces and in the environment.
Arc faults can be cal­cu­lat­ed in both air-insu­lat­ed and SF6-insu­lat­ed fault spaces. The results are dis­played as a max­i­mum val­ue and in dia­grams as a time course.
The results can be export­ed as a val­ue table in a text file or Excel table. The print­out of a cal­cu­la­tion report is also pos­si­ble. All input para­me­ters are explained in detail in the sup­plied help file. For an intro­duc­tion to the top­ic and the pro­gram, we offer you a one-day or sev­er­al-day indi­vid­ual train­ing course. Just con­tact us!

Input mask

Fig. 1 Input mask

Output window

Fig. 2 Out­put window


Fig. 3 Report

Help function

Fig. 4 Help function

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