Pressure Network Theory

The pres­sure net­work library is a pow­er­ful, self-explana­to­ry com­po­nent with which the user is able to inde­pen­dent­ly dimen­sion a wide vari­ety of pres­sure sys­tems on the basis of the RLC net­work pro­gram OrCad PSpice.

In order to cal­cu­late the devel­op­ing pres­sures, a dis­tinc­tion must be made between dif­fer­ent process­es. The arc pow­er is a deci­sive influ­enc­ing fac­tor for the pres­sure devel­op­ment in elec­tri­cal sys­tems and sys­tem rooms and must be deter­mined as accu­rate­ly as pos­si­ble before a pres­sure cal­cu­la­tion is car­ried out. For the pres­sure devel­op­ment in the sys­tem, the arc pow­er result­ing from the prod­uct of the arc volt­age and the arc cur­rent must be tak­en into account. How­ev­er, these para­me­ters are depen­dent on the net­work and geom­e­try. The com­plete elec­tri­cal ener­gy is:

  • trans­fered into pressure,
  • used to melt the electrodes,
  • an ener­gy sup­pli­er for the chem­i­cal reac­tions and
  • in addi­tion, this pow­er is emit­ted to the encap­su­la­tion via radiation.

The pres­sure con­ver­sion is described by the trans­fer coef­fi­cient, which is influ­enced by the fol­low­ing parameters:

  • arc length,
  • arc volt­age
  • arc cur­rent and
  • gas den­si­ty.

This sim­u­la­tion is pos­si­ble in the media air, nitro­gen (N2) and sul­fur hexa­flouride (SF6), thus the pres­sure can be resolved in space and time.

The pres­sure waves, i.e. the run­time effects of trav­el­ling waves in the gas and reflec­tions on the build­ing walls, are tak­en into account with the aid of trav­el­ling wave ele­ments in the pres­sure net­work. This allows the pres­sure to be resolved spa­tial­ly and temporally.


Intro­duc­tion Exam­ple

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