Infrared Guard

Permanent Guarding of the Assembly Temperature

The cause of fail­ing junc­tions is the con­nec­tion resis­tance which, depend­ing on the cur­rent load, caus­es the con­nec­tion to heat up. The infrared guard is an online sys­tem to detect crit­i­cal assem­blies to avoid fail­ures in elec­tri­cal instal­la­tions dur­ing oper­a­tion. Our online mea­sur­ing sys­tem guards the tem­per­a­ture of the assem­blies and gives infor­ma­tion about the con­di­ton at the same time. If the tem­per­a­ture is reach­ing a spe­cif­ic lim­it­ing val­ue, a sta­tus sig­nal is gen­er­at­ed accord­ing to its importance.


  • con­tact­less mea­sure­ment of joint tem­per­a­tures at live systems

  • mod­u­lar design

  • indi­vid­ual customization

  • per­ma­nent infor­ma­tion about the actu­al status

  • impor­tance of the sta­tus in indi­vid­u­al­ly selectable

  • gen­er­at­ing sta­tus signals

  • release oper­a­tion by sta­tus signal

  • link­able to already installed systems


Infrared Guarded Switchgear

Fig. 1 Infrared Guard­ed Switchgear

Infrared Sensors

Fig. 2 Infrared Sensors

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