Privacy Policy

1 Name and contact details of the controller and the company data protection officer

This data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­tion applies to data pro­cess­ing by:

Respon­si­ble Person:
THETA Inge­nieur­büro GmbH
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf-Dieter Rogler
Lohrmannstraße 20
01237 Dresden/Germany
Phone: +49 351 496 1444
Fax: +49 351 496 1555

To ensure that all data pro­tec­tion inquiries are processed cor­rect­ly, please con­tact our com­pa­ny data pro­tec­tion offi­cer in writing:

Data Pro­tec­tion Officer:
THETA Inge­nieur­büro GmbH
z. H. Data Pro­tec­tion Officer
Lohrmannstraße 20
01237 Dresden/Germany

2 Collection and storage of personal data and nature and purpose of their use

When vis­it­ing the website

When you vis­it our web­site or oth­er web­sites linked to this web­site, the brows­er on your device auto­mat­i­cal­ly sends infor­ma­tion to the serv­er of our web­site. This infor­ma­tion is tem­porar­i­ly stored in a so-called log file. The fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion is record­ed with­out your inter­ven­tion and stored until it is auto­mat­i­cal­ly deleted:

  • IP address of the request­ing com­put­er (will be made anony­mous after 7 days),
  • date and time of access,
  • name and URL of the down­loaded file,
  • Web­site, from which the access is made (refer­rer URL),
  • used brows­er and, if applic­a­ble, the oper­at­ing sys­tem of your com­put­er as well as the name of your access provider.

The men­tioned data will be processed by us for the fol­low­ing purposes:

  • war­ran­ty for a smooth con­nec­tion set­up of the website,
  • war­ran­ty a com­fort­able use of our website,
  • eval­u­a­tion of sys­tem secu­ri­ty and sta­bil­i­ty as well as
  • zu for oth­er admin­is­tra­tive purposes.

The legal basis for data pro­cess­ing is Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 lit. f DSGVO. Our legit­i­mate inter­est fol­lows from the pur­pos­es list­ed above for data col­lec­tion. Under no cir­cum­stances do we use the data col­lect­ed for the pur­pose of draw­ing con­clu­sions about you personally.
In addi­tion, we use cook­ies and analy­sis ser­vices when you vis­it our web­site. You will find more detailed expla­na­tions under sec­tions 4 and 5 of this data pro­tec­tion declaration.

3 Passing on of data

Your per­son­al data will not be trans­mit­ted to third par­ties for pur­pos­es oth­er than those list­ed below.

We will only pass on your per­son­al data to third par­ties if:

  • You have giv­en their express con­sent pur­suant to Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 lit. a DSGVO,
  • die dis­clo­sure is nec­es­sary for the asser­tion, exer­cise or defence of legal claims pur­suant to Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 f DSGVO and there is no rea­son to assume that you have an over­rid­ing inter­est wor­thy of pro­tec­tion in not dis­clos­ing your data,
  • in the event that a legal oblig­a­tion exists for the trans­fer pur­suant to Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 lit. c DSGVO, and
  • this is required by Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 lit. B DSGVO for the pro­cess­ing of con­trac­tu­al rela­tion­ships with you.

4 Technical functions of the website

con­tact opportunity

On our web­site we offer you the pos­si­bil­i­ty to con­tact us by e‑mail. In this case, the infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by the user will be stored for the pur­pose of pro­cess­ing his con­tact. The data will not be passed on to third par­ties. A com­par­i­son of the data col­lect­ed in this way with data that may be col­lect­ed by oth­er com­po­nents of our site does not take place either.

Use of Google-Maps

We use the com­po­nent “Google Maps” from Google Inc. 1600 Amphithe­atre Park­way, Moun­tain View, CA 94043 USA, here­inafter “Google”.

Each time you access the Google Maps com­po­nent, Google sets a cook­ie to process user set­tings and data when you view the page that includes the Google Maps com­po­nent. As a rule, this cook­ie is not delet­ed when you close your brows­er, but expires after a cer­tain time, unless you delete it man­u­al­ly beforehand.

If you do not agree to this pro­cess­ing of your data, it is pos­si­ble to deac­ti­vate the “Google Maps” ser­vice and thus pre­vent the trans­fer of data to Google. To do this, you must deac­ti­vate the JavaScript func­tion in your brows­er. How­ev­er, we would like to point out that in this case you will not be able to use “Google Maps” or only to a lim­it­ed extent.

The use of “Google Maps” and the infor­ma­tion obtained via “Google Maps” is sub­ject to the Google Terms of Use.

as well as the addi­tion­al terms and con­di­tions for “Google Maps”.

Publication of job advertisements / online job applications

Your appli­ca­tion data will be col­lect­ed and processed elec­tron­i­cal­ly by us for the pur­pose of han­dling the appli­ca­tion pro­ce­dure. If your appli­ca­tion is fol­lowed by the con­clu­sion of an employ­ment con­tract, your trans­mit­ted data may be stored by us in your per­son­nel file for the pur­pose of the usu­al organ­i­sa­tion­al and admin­is­tra­tive process in com­pli­ance with the rel­e­vant legal regulations.
If your appli­ca­tion is reject­ed, the data you have sub­mit­ted will auto­mat­i­cal­ly be delet­ed two months after noti­fi­ca­tion of rejec­tion. This does not apply if longer stor­age is nec­es­sary due to legal require­ments (e.g. the bur­den of proof accord­ing to the Gen­er­al Equal Treat­ment Act) or if you have express­ly agreed to longer stor­age in our data­base of inter­est­ed parties.

5 rights of the persons concerned

You have the right:
accord­ing to. Art. 15 DSGVO to request infor­ma­tion about your per­son­al data processed by us. In par­tic­u­lar, you may request infor­ma­tion about the pur­pos­es of pro­cess­ing, the cat­e­go­ry of per­son­al data, the cat­e­gories of recip­i­ents to whom your data have been or will be dis­closed, the planned stor­age peri­od, the exis­tence of a right to rec­ti­fi­ca­tion, dele­tion, restric­tion of pro­cess­ing or objec­tion, the exis­tence of a right of appeal, the ori­gin of your data, if these have not been col­lect­ed by us, and the exis­tence of auto­mat­ed deci­sion-mak­ing includ­ing pro­fil­ing and, if applic­a­ble, mean­ing­ful infor­ma­tion on their details;

  • accord­ing to. Art. 16 DSGVO to request the cor­rec­tion of incor­rect or com­plete per­son­al data stored by us with­out delay;
  • accord­ing to. Art. 17 DSGVO to request the dele­tion of your per­son­al data stored by us, unless the pro­cess­ing is nec­es­sary to exer­cise the right to free­dom of expres­sion and infor­ma­tion, to ful­fil a legal oblig­a­tion, for rea­sons of pub­lic inter­est or to assert, exer­cise or defend legal claims;
  • accord­ing to. Art. 18 DSGVO to restrict the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data if you dis­pute the accu­ra­cy of the data, if the pro­cess­ing is unlaw­ful but you refuse to delete the data and we no longer need the data, but if you need it to assert, exer­cise or defend legal claims or if you have filed an objec­tion against the pro­cess­ing in accor­dance with Art. 21 DSGVO;
  • accord­ing to. Art. 20 DSGVO to receive your per­son­al data, which you have pro­vid­ed to us, in a struc­tured, cur­rent and machine-read­able for­mat or to request the trans­mis­sion to anoth­er per­son responsible;
  • accord­ing to. Art. 7 Par. 3 DSGVO to revoke your con­sent to us at any time. As a result, we are no longer allowed to con­tin­ue pro­cess­ing data based on this con­sent in the future and
  • accord­ing to. Art. 77 DSGVO to com­plain to a super­vi­so­ry author­i­ty. As a rule, you can con­tact the super­vi­so­ry author­i­ty of your usu­al place of res­i­dence or work or the head­quar­ters of the per­son respon­si­ble (see point 1).

6 Right of objection

If your per­son­al data are processed on the basis of legit­i­mate inter­ests pur­suant to Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 let­ter f DSGVO, you have the right to object to the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data pur­suant to Art. 21 DSGVO, pro­vid­ed that there are rea­sons for this which arise from your par­tic­u­lar sit­u­a­tion or the objec­tion is direct­ed against direct adver­tis­ing. In the lat­ter case, you have a gen­er­al right of objec­tion, which we will imple­ment with­out spec­i­fy­ing a par­tic­u­lar situation.

If you would like to make use of your right of revo­ca­tion or objec­tion in the afore­men­tioned sense, sim­ply send an e‑mail to:

All oth­er ques­tions on the sub­ject of data pro­tec­tion should be addressed in writ­ing to the data pro­tec­tion offi­cer in accor­dance with point 1.

7 Data security

We use the most com­mon SSL (Secure Sock­et Lay­er) method in con­nec­tion sup­port­ed by your brows­er. Whether a sin­gle page of our web­site is trans­mit­ted in encrypt­ed form is indi­cat­ed by the closed dis­play of the key or lock sym­bol in the low­er sta­tus bar of your browser.

We use appro­pri­ate tech­ni­cal and organ­i­sa­tion­al secu­ri­ty mea­sures to pro­tect your data against acci­den­tal or inten­tion­al manip­u­la­tion, par­tial or com­plete loss, destruc­tion or unau­tho­rised access by third par­ties. Our secu­ri­ty mea­sures are con­tin­u­ous­ly improved in line with tech­no­log­i­cal developments.

8 Up-to-dateness and amendment of this data protection declaration

Due to the fur­ther devel­op­ment of our web­site and offers above or due to changed legal or offi­cial require­ments, it may become nec­es­sary to change this data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion. You can call up and print out the cur­rent data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion at any time on the web­site under

This data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion is cur­rent­ly valid and has the sta­tus as of Decem­ber 2019.