Pressure Network Example

  • An arc fault occurs in the func­tion­al unit of assem­bly. The unit dis­charges via a pres­sure relief open­ing into a sta­tion build­ing, that dis­charges into the envi­ron­ment via its own pres­sure relief opening.


    Fig. 1 Arrangement

  • In the pres­sure net­work, the elec­tri­cal input vari­ables (Fig. 2, Fig. 3) and the geo­met­ric bound­ary con­di­tions are sim­u­lat­ed using pow­er, vol­ume and pres­sure relief ele­ments. Run­time effects and reflec­tions are tak­en into account.

    Exemplary pressure network of an arrangement

    Fig. 2 Exem­plary pres­sure net­work of an arrangement

    Arc power

    Fig. 3 Arc power

  • The cal­cu­la­tion of the pres­sures (Fig. 4, 5) is dynam­ic and depen­dent on time. 

    Overpressure curve in the switchgear

    Fig. 4 Over­pres­sure curve in the switchgear

    Overpressure curve in the building

    Fig. 5 Over­pres­sure curve in the building


Intro­duc­tion The­o­ry

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