Thermal Calculations

for Electrical Equipment and Devices

For the oper­a­tors of elec­tri­cal equip­ment and devices the reli­a­bil­i­ty and the price of the equip­ment are essen­tial qual­i­ty char­ac­ter­is­tics. The ampac­i­ty (CCC) and the pos­si­ble warm­ing result­ing from it have a sig­nif­i­cant influ­ence, since the inter­pre­ta­tion of an elec­tri­cal equip­ment is deter­mined by the legal­ly pre­scribed lim­it­ing tem­per­a­tures. Accord­ing­ly, the dimen­sion­ing of the heat dis­si­pa­tion is of great importance.

Kiosk transformer station (Producer: Scheidt)

Fig. 1 Kiosk trans­former sta­tion (Pro­duc­er: Scheidt)

Thermal network of a transformer substation

Fig. 2 Ther­mal net­work of a trans­former substation

Simulation of a fuse using FE-Method

Fig. 3 Sim­u­la­tion of a fuse using FE-Method

These tasks should be eval­u­at­ed by spe­cial­ists in mea­sur­ing and cal­cu­lat­ing the warm­ing of elec­tri­cal devices. The usu­al­ly com­bined elec­tri­cal and ther­mal prob­lems are very complex.

This implies that a stan­dard solu­tion does not exist.

We offer an effi­cient engi­neer­ing ser­vice in this field. Our strength lies in both the com­bi­na­tion of sev­er­al cal­cu­la­tion meth­ods and the exper­i­men­tal ver­i­fi­ca­tion of the results. By influ­enc­ing the used mate­ri­als and the geom­e­try of devices in devel­op­ment, pow­er loss­es can be min­i­mized and heat dis­si­pa­tion improved. This way we help you to con­struct elec­tri­cal devices show­ing a high ampac­i­ty (CCC). With our ser­vice we put you into the posi­tion to influ­ence and opti­mise the qual­i­ties of your prod­ucts in a well-direct­ed way. Due to our cal­cu­la­tions you save expens­es for devel­op­ments and tests.

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